Why I'm Here

I’ve been writing since I was a little one back in the 90s. This blog is an extension of my podcast, Latrell Talks. I speak more about the writing/author journey on the podcast. However, I will write more about my human journey and navigating the world in our current times.

My journey has not been an easy one. As I am coming into the thirty-seventh year of my life, life’s still up and down. I live my life as a spiritual person but, I’m continuing to improve this side of myself as well. Toxic positivity and being happy all the time, I feel, is unrealistic. We are human and we are allowed to feel a bevy of emotions outside of happiness as well.

I’m getting real on this blog because for so long, I was not encouraged to be my most authentic self. I was always told to be, speak, and act a certain way. That caused me to mask who I truly was and am. Someone else’s mask was placed on my face. That mask is coming off. I have a lot to say and a lot more living and experiencing to do.

In this blog, I’m going to talk about everything from mental health to politics.

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Yep, 2024
Horror Movie Review #2

Let's Talk

This blog is run by an anti-racist, pro-choice, LGBTQIA ally, and sensitive as fuck womanist.

© Latrell R. Morris 2023-2024, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED