Color In White Fantasy

June 17, 2024

Lately, there’s been a lot of discourse around Black people and POC being featured in video games and tv shows/movies. The discourse mainly comes from white people and, more specifically, conservatives. Anyone with a brain understands the reason. It’s racism, plain and simple. Conservatives are calling diversity and equity “woke” or “DEI”, which are their buzzwords for mainly Black people and how they don’t deserve to be in certain positions or spaces. “Forced diversity”.

One of the most recent complaints has been about the newest Assassins Creed game called Assassins Creed Shadows. The game features a Black protagonist by the name of Yasuke whom is a samurai in Japan. Insert white male rage. All of a sudden, this is unrealistic. It’s woke. How dare they make a fictional video game featuring a Black character in Japan? Apparently, they now know more about Japan than the Japanese. However, they don’t, as Yasuke was a real samurai that lived in Japan. That’s the catcher. They don’t know, they just know they don’t want a Black person leading their fictional escapism. Loads of Japanese people on TikTok pointed this out to them. However, because their racism and prejudices run deep, they’re still complaining. It’s always fictional or historically inaccurate when we’re featured. Having Black people in the past is somehow inaccurate, despite evidence showing the first people came from Africa. BLACK! Just say you’re racist and move the fuck around.

Another example of this was the recent Star Wars trailer that dropped. Allegedly, there was too much diversity and not enough white people represented. Similar sentiments happened when the GTA 6 trailer came out. Too many Black folks for them to swallow. What is the world coming to with all this color? How about the one where they don’t read books featuring Black people because they “can’t relate” yet, they can read a book staring an animal and it’s relatable to them. Get the fuck out of here. We’re not stupid. They live life as the default character and anything outside of that is considered abnormal to them. See the Black dolls at the Dollar Tree lady.

Here’s my opinion on why I believe they feel that way. I believe most, yes I said most, don’t want POC, especially Black people in their fantasy worlds. Their idea of a perfect world is one that is homogenous. Aryan in nature. We don’t fit that in any sense of the word. It’s bad enough that they see us in everyday life, but to see us in their fantasy world is enough for them to rage and cry. It’s also ironic that they call us complainers. We “complain” about being treated fairly. Injustices, police brutality, etc. they complain about entertainment having too much of us in it. “Hollywood is so liberal” when it’s really not. Let’s compare those two things. Human life/rights vs. fictional/fantasy life. Do you see what I’m saying here? There is no comparison. It’s just racism.

You can surf any TV channel, watch any movie, tv show, buy any product and I guarantee you’ll see a white person featured on it. Ninety-five percent of the time, they are the lead yet, when the five percent is represented, suddenly it’s forced, woke, DEI, or white people are being oppressed. That last one is funny as hell. It’s not a shock that seventy-two percent of white people have no Black friends. That speaks more about them than about us. It’s not hard to deduce why.

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