Horror Movie Review #2

November 1, 2024

Time for horror movie review part 2. Today’s movie is Greta.

The movie stars Chloe Grace Moretz. She plays Frances, a waitress working at a high-class restaurant. One day, she gets onto the subway heading home when she spots an old woman, Greta. After some time, the old woman gets off at a stop and Frances realizes she leaves her purse on the seat. Trying to be a good samaritan, she goes after her, picking up the purse and finding her ID inside. She goes to the woman’s house to return the purse. Over the course of the beginning of the movie, the two women develop a close bound until things take a turn. Frances finds a collection of purses with the same information in one of Greta’s cabinets. The wheels in her head start turning and she realizes something isn’t right with Greta. And Greta isn’t exactly who she made herself out to be.

I was very interested in seeing this movie; however, I will say I was a little disappointed. This situation wouldn’t have happened had Frances; 1. Left the purse there or, 2. Took the purse to the police station for them to handle. I understand wanting to return something that is important. Yet, you never know what’s going on with someone. In some parts, it was very suspenseful and nerve-racking. However, I do think Greta was a very tragic and scary character. The amount of stalking she did, even after Frances told Greta to stay away from her and got the police involved, was unbelievable. Yes, loneliness can make others do some wild things. However, this was intense. What was crazier was Frances going to see Greta after she went through the stalking, including at her job. This is what got her trapped and almost dead.

Overall, I give this movie a 2.5 out of 5 stars.

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