Politics & Friendships
September 9, 2024
There has been recent chatter about politics playing a role
in friendships or relationships. In my opinion, I can not be close or befriend
someone whose politics are the opposite of mine. Case in point, I am a Liberal
Democrat and therefore; I am not interested in befriending someone who is a
conservative or Republican. You may ask why, but I am going to break it down
for you simply put. The party you align with tells people about your morals and
Since the election of Barack Obama, we have seen a stark
change in the Republican party. They have started openly supporting policies that
subjugate minorities, women, immigrants, people in the LGBTQ communities, climate
control, etc. They have shown pretty loudly where their values lie. The amount
of racism, sexist, and homophobia spew on the right side of the fence is loud
and concerning. It is no longer about being fiscally conservative and it’s more
about being controlling to everyone that is not a white male.
So, someone who aligns themselves with a party that openly
does this without any regrets is not someone that I can align myself with in
any capacity. As a Black woman, double minority, I care too deeply about human
rights and people’s freedom to choose what they do with their body. I do not
have the privilege of seeing it as a simple differing of opinion when that opinion
hurts me deeply as a person.
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