Preference vs Deal Breaker
July 15, 2024
Social media has bred a cesspool of folks. A lot of those folks aren’t smarter enough to know the difference between preference and deal breakers. So, I’m going to break down the difference between the two.
According to the, preference means liking something more than the other. Now, it doesn’t say you don’t like the other thing, just that you don’t like it as much as something else. However, I find that people are confusing preference for deal breaker/nonnegotiable. A deal breaker means you will not compromise on what you want/like. Therefore, there is no alternative to that said thing. See how that works?
Here’s an example. I shop at Target, Walmart, and Aldi for different reasons. My preference for clothing and household items is Target, because they have a range of cute, quality products. My sentiments aren’t the same for Walmart. Walmart’s clothing and household items are not appealing to me. However, on an off chance they do have something I see or need, I will purchase it. Likewise, I will do deep grocery shopping at Walmart because they have more of a selection and are sometimes cheaper. Though I love Aldi, I rarely do a deep grocery haul because of the limited selection. I would still end up going to Walmart for certain items. See, I like one over the other for certain things.
On the flip side, I refuse to eat at a certain chicken joint due to past bigotry. And I don’t think I need to say the name of Bigotfilla for you to know who I’m talking about. Even if it was free, I would pass on it.
There are a lot of people in the dating world that have a lot of racial, colorist, and body phobic biases disguising it as “preference” when it’s not. I can go on and on about these biases but, I’ll pass for now.
It boggles my mind how grown adults do not know the difference between the two.
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