The Fall of America

February 28, 2025

2025 has been a long year and we’re only three months in. So much has happened since ole dumpty was sworn into office, which, to this day, I do not believe was a fair election. No one can make me feel any different. Anyway, I’m someone who sometimes has beef with the universe for multiple reasons that I may think is valid and I will not get into just yet. But, as time progresses, and I’m seeing and feeling different things more and more, I’m starting to realize maybe this was meant to happen.

Wait, let me explain.

Since the Europeans came to America, their behaviors haven’t been just. From lying about discovering a new land, killing off the native people of that land, and enslaving Africans to do jobs they were too lazy to do, etc. European Americans have built up so much negative karma and generational trauma that they refuse to acknowledge or address, to this day, that at some point, it was bound to come ahead. TO THIS DAY (yes, I said this twice). The generational trauma of oppression, inhumanity, etc. has stewed to the point where it can no longer sustain itself. Because European Americans refuse to heal, and America refuses to right its wrongs, the destruction of America was inevitable. It had to happen. The people who aren’t in the crosshairs of oppression have to feel it now. They must finally feel uncomfortable and have what they worked for snatched away to feel any type of empathy for others. And it’s sad that this is the only way for them to feel empathy. Instead of a tap on the shoulder, they’re getting a punch to the chest.

“This is not what I voted for.” Yes, the fuck it is. You voted for a known racist, rapist, convicted felon, and all-around terrible person. You knew who you voted for. And I don’t want to hear anything about the economy because stocks are tanking, prices are going up, and we’re headed for a bad recession. Save us all the lip service and reflect on what you really voted for. Hate! White supremacy, or what I like to call white mediocrity. Unfortunately, many people will be harmed mentally, physically, etc., including those who have always been harmed but the actions of America.

It’s a sad reality that’s happening right before our eyes. White mediocrity is a hell of a drug, cult, and mental illness and those that support it get no sympathy from me because you had none for others.

What’s happening is their last-ditch effort to hold on to control and power. Take away DEI so that too many “Blacks” and women aren’t gainfully employed. Fun fact, DEI benefited European American women the most. Ditto for affirmative action. Those “Blacks” are getting too educated and moving their communities along. Can’t let that happen. Too many Hispanics are coming into this country and outnumbering the European Americans. Can’t let that happen. Let’s deport them. Too many men feel inferior because they didn’t get the wives they were promised and refuse to go to therapy to fix their mental disorders. WELP, can’t let that happen, let’s go after women’s rights. Are your eyes open yet? Yes, I’m woke and damn proud of it.

They sit up in their burning towers, heres looking at you, Johnson, smiling down at the people while stripping them of their autonomy and humanity.

It’s an unfortunate thing and innocent people are in the crosshairs but, I realize it has to be done the hard way because the easy way wasn’t cutting it. Wake up! If the destruction of America is the only way to right its wrongs, then that’s how it has to be.

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