Things To Stop Saying to Chronically Single People
August 23, 2024
The modern world is filled with a variety of dating advice. So much so that a lot of “dating gurus” or “dating coaches” have sprung up all over social media. Many of them offer surefire solutions to your single woos. However, there are also the people in our lives who always seem to have the perfect solution/answer. The solution that will end all your dating difficulties. The ideas that you’ve never thought of. If you can’t tell, I am being sarcastic in that previous sentence. As someone who has been single their entire life, except for those three months when I was fourteen, I’ve heard it all. And frankly, people like me are a little sick of it. Here are just a few things we hear, like clockwork, and my opinions about them.
“Have you tried online dating?”: I’ve been on
this planet for thirty-eight years; how did I not think about online dating? Of
course I have tried online dating. I’ve been trying it since I was in my mid-twenties
and with the final straw being March 2023. Guess what, it never worked out for
me. No one I was interested in was interested in me, and vice versa. Nothing
ever resulted in a date. I managed to talk to one guy via phone back in 2022
but, he turned out to have anger issues. Glad we were only talking at that time
and nothing else had moved beyond that. The only thing I got from the dating
sites is wasting hundreds of dollars on premium subscriptions and wasted time.
Trust me, I pretty much tried them all and nothing, and I mean nothing came out
of them. I did go to a few events with Match but didn’t connect with anyone.
And before you ask, yes, my location was set to national, and my age gap was
ten years my senior and five years my junior. Nothing!
“It’ll happen when you least expect it.”: this
usually comes from people who have been together for a very long time. Those
that didn’t have to try. Anyway, I’m pretty sure ninety-five percent of the
time I don’t expect it. Like, when I’m going to the grocery store to pick up
something or to do my deep grocery shopping. Or when I’m getting gas. Or pretty
much just living my life. I don’t go out of my house expecting to meet anyone
really, especially a partner. I just go about my business. Do what I need or
want to do and go home. I know this is something to try to make singles feel
better but, sometimes I feel like people say this because they don’t know what
else to say.
“You have to go out and look for it”: Which is
contradictory to the second point. So, which is it? Not expecting it or going
out to look for it? I also see this as something people say when they have
nothing to say, and it most likely comes from the people who have been together
for a long time or met their partners at school or work.
“It’s not all it’s cracked up to be.”: Says the
person who has been married for decades. Or the people that have no problems
getting dates or have a list of people who are interested. Hell, I didn’t even
get a chance to judge for myself. When you’re someone who hasn’t had that
chance, it’s different. I have no personal knowledge on if it’s worth it or not
or have even come close to it. I don’t believe anyone else should come to that
conclusion for another person. Just because it wasn’t worth it to you doesn’t
mean myself or someone in my situation will feel the same.
“Love yourself first.”: Is a relationship a
reward for loving yourself? I’m more than sure everyone in a relationship does
not completely love themselves. Some people learned to love themselves when
they entered a relationship. Sometimes you can’t see certain things until
someone who loves you really points it out. Likewise, loving yourself is not a substitute
for a relationship. There are several people walking around who love themselves
and aren’t able to find a relationship. This saying sometimes feels like a
blame game.
“Enjoy being single.”: I have enjoyed being
single. Thirty-eight years. I do everything alone. I’ve traveled alone. I take
myself out to nice dinners. I go to events alone. I plan everything alone. Everything,
everything. I would like to have a partner to experience life with. Plan stuff
with. Celebrate with. Have fun with. Let someone else take the reins for once. I
think I am beyond self-sufficient and have no problems being independent. I
have no problems going out and having fun. Hell, when I was a kid, I managed to
make my own fun out of even the most mundane things. What’s wrong with wanting
to have fun with someone else?
“Make friends.”: Working on that, however, as an
adult, it’s not easy. Trust me. Also, friends are not a substitute for romantic
love. There are certain things you get from a partner that you can’t get from a
"Be Patient": All I have to say to this one is "38 years".
Can we be honest and really chalk up certain things being about luck? Some people get lucky, and others don’t. I don’t think that should be taboo to say when it comes to relationships. I think to say it means a lot of people in relationships would get defensive and have to reevaluate their way of thinking because they know they didn’t have to do grand gestures to find their relationship. The two of you were just in the right place at the right time.
When a late bloomer or a long-term single person talks about their stresses of being single, listen to them. Keep the unsolicited advice. Sometimes we just want someone to listen and be there as a shoulder to cry on. A lot of us are dealing with loneliness many couldn’t ever imagine. There is no one in my life that has ever experienced life how I have and sometimes it’s incredibly isolating.
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