We Choose Our Parents?
June 5, 2024
I want to first preference this post by saying, this one is for spiritual folks. What I mean by spiritual folks are those that do not follow organized religion but still believe in spiritual beings and synchronicities. The crystals, gems, and tarot card folks. Ok, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk.
I’ve been hearing and seeing a lot of people in the spiritual community talk about how, before we come to this planet, or come into physical bodies, we choose our parents. And I am here to say, that sounds like absolute shit. I am a spiritual person, not religious, and I believe in a lot of spiritual things. However, this is not one belief I can stand behind.
It’s preposterous to think that a child who has been constantly abused by their parents would want to deal with that in the most formative years in their life. Why would a soul want to live in such a trauma filled environment? What’s the purpose? Please don’t say to be a stronger person because I do not believe that we should go through trauma and struggle to become stronger. The whole idea is asinine. Spending your early life in pain doesn’t sound like something a soul truly wants, no matter how good they come out in the end. Well, I guess I’ll speak for myself and say, that’s not something I’d want in my life.
Likewise, if you’re someone who’s sensitive, why would you want parents who aren’t emotionally mature and who can’t give you the emotional comfort that one needs? It builds a resentment towards one’s parents and drives a wedge in their bond. Trust me, my cousin is dealing with this as she is that sensitive person that didn’t get the emotional comfort she desperately needed. I understand her parents had to be a certain way to survive, however; I feel like, when it comes to your children, there’s a certain threshold of emotional intelligence that’s needed to guide them through their development otherwise, you have an adult child that’s sitting in therapy, telling their therapist why it’s hard to show emotional or be vulnerable around others. It’s a stint in growth and a lack of substance they’re searching for. She’s basically figuring everything out on her own.
This isn’t a spiritual concept I can get behind.
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